
I remember reading this book my sophomore year of high school. I did the audiobook back then and revisited the same audiobook this time around. This story is rather sad and I really felt for Victor throughout the entire story. All the guilt and suffering that he had to deal with because of his creation. Even though Victor really brought it about himself by being a coward and running from his monster time and time again instead of facing the problem. Had Victor actually treated his dealing with the monster in a different way, the outcome of the story would have been completely different. The ending is truly tragic when Victor dies and the monster comes to mourn his creator's death and then commit suicide himself. I think that many people have a relationship in their life that is similar to that of Victor and the monster's. They seemed to hate each other but they were the very reason for each other's existence. I think that in life, while those types of relationships are definitely not as intense as Victor's and the monster's, there are definitely those relationships where people act like they dislike a certain person but really do enjoy their company. The closest example I can think of is a younger brother with an older sibling. The younger brother usually loves to annoy and antagonize the older sibling. The older sibling usually gets annoyed and fed up with the young one but at the end of the day, they still love each other. While Victor definitely did not love the monster, I think that Victor's approval is all the monster ever really wanted; much like how a younger sibling seeks the approval of the older one. In the end, neither character gets what they wanted and both meet their demise which is truly sad because as the reader, you see how it could have all been avoided. I did really enjoy how the introduction starts with the letters from Robert Walton to his sister and how in the end it goes back to those letters. It was a really nice way to tie everything together. I really did enjoy revisiting this book and I can definitely understand why it is a classic.


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